Charles M. Schulz quotes
Just thinking about a friend makes you want to do a happy dance, because a friend is someone who loves you in spite of your faults.Friendship Thinking
All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dogHumans
I think I've discovered the secret of life -- you just hang around until you get used to it.Wisdom Life Humor Secret
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.Short Love Humor Food
What's the good of living if you don't try a few things?Inspirational
Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.Education Humor
Just remember, when you're over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.Short Witty Humor
Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.Love Humor
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong'. Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'Question Life
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