Life +
Spirituality quotes
Life Quotes
We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.Life
Life does not mean party. Life means that you're doing the right things with this (self/ body), so that this gradually evolves to a higher and higher space.Life
Make yourself in such a way that you are always looking at how to make someone else's life beautifulLife Philosophy Compassion
In the spiritual life, one becomes just like a little child, without resentment, without attachment, full of life and joy.Life Joy
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the 'NOW' the primary focus of your life.Life Self realization Moment
Spirituality is not some nonsense up there, it is about becoming available to life process in its fullest scope, not just physical, not just mental. This is spiritualityLife
Spirituality: Right now your awareness is limited to a small aspect of your life. The whole aspect of spirituality means to become aware of everything that you are, so that before you go, you know life, you experience life in its totality, to live totally. To live and to live totally, that's spiritualityLife Experience
A spiritual process means just that - that the outside situations need not drive you, the outside situations do not mold you.Life Philosophy Wisdom
What we are referring to as spiritual is a deeper dimension of who we are that is longing to expand, because life wants to find its ultimate nature, longing to expand is not just spiritual, this is lifeLife
In a short period of time, what you need for your lifetime you create in terms of money and then do what is significant for your life, rather than running after a tool which was just created to simplify transactions.Life Money
Meditativeness means to become in such a way that you are not the source of the problem. Wherever you are, you're a solution, you're not a problem.Life Problems Meditation
For most people life means their job, life means the new house, the car that they bought, their wife, their husband, their children. No! Life is what's throbbing within, not even your body, not your mind, not your thought, not your emotion. What is right now throbbing within you is life. Only because this is ON everything else seems to be meaningfulLife Truth Wisdom Emotions
To stand firmly on the ground & still reach out & touch the sky, is the essence of the spiritual processLife
When you become significant as a life, it doesn't matter what you do, whatever you do will be worthwhile.Life Growth Yoga
If you cannot embrace everything the way it is, if you accept some and reject others, you will only have morality, no spiritualityLife Philosophy Morality
To plunge into the core of life is the only sacredness there is. To live superficially is the only sin.Life
Unfortunately, most people, especially spiritual ones, are making simple things complex. My life is about making complex things simple because only by making things as simple as possible, they become accessibleLife
Allowing this life to flower into its fullest possibility is what life is about, is what yoga is about, is what spiritual process is aboutLife Yoga Possibility
Live your materialistic life like today's the last day. Live your spiritual life like you are eternalLife
There is no better insight into someone's teaching than looking at the way he livesLife Short
Spirituality isn't about going to a jungle. It's about living a full-fledged life. You want the full cake, not a cut.Life
Absolute passion towards the Divine. Compassion towards all life. Dispassion towards yourself.Life Short Wisdom Passion
Short +
Spirituality quotes
Short Quotes
Don't keep feeding your bad habits with fresh actions that strengthen themShort Habit Action
To grow does not mean that you think too much of yourself. Growth is dissolutionShort Wisdom Growth
Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.Short Life lessons
There is no point in teaching spirituality when there is no water to drink or food to eatShort
The idea of doing Sadhana is that all your questions will burn, not that you will find answersShort Question
With gratitude for everything, success and victory will be yoursShort Success
Talking or acting spiritual is of no use. Spirituality is about transforming yourselfShort
One who does not touch the stillness within and without will invariably get lost in the movementShort Wisdom
Spiritual process means everything in you is absolutely fully alive, lit up.Short
Without establishing a non-discriminatory way of looking at everything, you will never be a yogiShort
A spiritual person is unwilling to settle for anything less than the Ultimate.Short One liners
An idle mind is Divine's workshop. An Idler's mind is devil's workshop.Short Witty Mind
Once you are constantly aware of your mortality, your spiritual search will be unwaveringShort
Spiritual process is not about looking upward or downward. It is about looking inwardShort
Meditation is neither concentration nor relaxation. It is a sort of homecoming.Short Meditation
To be spiritual means to be an emperor within yourself. This is the only way to beShort
The purpose of spiritual science is to awaken human beings to their ultimate possibilityShort Possibility
You are a spiritual being trapped in a physical body, not a physical being acting out spiritualityShort Body
To create something and not to be attached to what you have created is a spiritual processShort
God +
Spirituality quotes
God Quotes
The ocean cannot be received in a cup unless the cup is made as large as the ocean. Likewise, the cup of human concentration and human faculties must be enlarged in order to comprehend GodGod Analogy
I am in love with every church And mosque And temple And any kind of shrine Because I know it is there That people say the different names Of the One God.God
Everything else can wait, but your search for God cannot wait.God Short Seeking
As God is the Essence of our own being, we cannot truly express ourselves until we learn to manifest His presence within us. That is the truthGod Truth
The power of God is within you, so when your mind tells you a thing can't be done, say to that thought, "Get out! It can be done". And it will be, if you make up your mindGod Positive Attitude Mind Thought
Always remember, nothing can touch you if you inwardly love God.God Love Short
Look for God, suggests my Guru. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water.God Religion Short
My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.God Religion Perception Spirit
The more you become 'I do not know' the deeper your seeking is, Seeking doesn't mean seeking something. If you have to seek, you should not make any assumptions. You already made an assumption, 'God is sitting up in the heaven, I am seeking him' this is not seeking, this is just hallucination.God Seeking
You waste precious time each day. Every little moment you spent with God will be spent to your best advantageGod Seeking Devotion
The small waves and the big waves all arise from the same ocean. So, when we stand aside spiritually and view every person and every religion impersonally, we shall see that everything is made of GodGod Religion People Non-duality
Theoretical knowledge cannot give you a realization about God. So don't waste your time on too much theory. Those who do so becomes lost in the jungle of reason and never get beyond mere theoriesGod Self realization
God, the perfect ever-new unending Bliss, is the greatest temptation to the soul of man. He tests His children first with inferior temptations of the senses; when the man has rejected those in a proper spirit of wisdom, the superior divine treasures are revealed to him.God Wisdom Soul Children
The secret of the cosmic game is that God hides his surprise, his bliss, behind the temptations of the world.God World Secret
God wants man to behold the changing pictures of personal and worldly life as a sort of variety entertainmentGod Life
I have no consciousness of possession. I can leave everything in a moment if God calls, for I am not bound to anything. And yet all things are mine.God
The devotee who makes the supreme effort is the one who finds God. Not the one who keeps seeking excusesGod Seeking Effort
When a person is really sleepy, can't he fall asleep anywhere? So is it with the person who loves God. He can meditate even in a train station or in the market placeGod Meditation
Truth is One: If Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and other true emissaries of God came together, they would not quarrel but would drink from the same cup of God-communion.God Religion Non-duality
It is because we are Divine, a part of Him, that we are unable to find lasting satisfaction in anything material... Until you attain contentment in God, you will not win contentment from anything elseGod
Each person has made himself the way he is. There would be no justice in this world if God had arbitrarily made us the way we areGod
We must uplift our consciousness so that even the most worldly duties are performed with the thought of God.God Thought Consciousness
Happiness +
Spirituality quotes
Happiness Quotes
The initial state of happiness accompanying sensuality is always followed by unhappiness, owing to the impairment of physical vitality, mental self-control, and spiritual peaceHappiness Peace
A spiritual person and a materialistic person are both seeking the same infinite. One is seeking it consciously, the other one unconsciously.Happiness Seeking Consciousness
When the need to be special is gone, that is when you are unique. Significance of life is in its uniquenessHappiness Life Success
Why become helplessly involved in an endless panorama of events in order to discover that nothing in this world can ever make you happy?Happiness World
Spiritual progress: If by the day you are becoming a more joyful human being, (if your long face is becoming wider) that means you are progressingHappiness Humor
Balance material and spiritual duties in your life; that will bring you supreme happinessHappiness Life Short
Meditate deeply and regularly, until the spiritual eye is opened and you can fly through it to the astral kingdom. Remain always in the sphere of happiness born of meditation, no matter what happensHappiness Meditation
A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, prana, to every body cell. The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the universal life energy.Happiness Smile
It is hard to give up the known sense pleasures of the present for unknown pleasures that may arrive in the future. This is the reason why millions of people would rather eat, drink, and try to be merry today than take the trouble to meditate and make an investment for a future of lasting happinessHappiness Future People Pleasure
No material or spiritual activities performed with attachment can produce lasting happinessHappiness Short
Unless human love is spiritualized, it will be a canker in your soul. Unless you are spiritually-minded and your mate is the same, you can never be completely happy.Happiness Love Relationship Soul
Inspirational +
Spirituality quotes
Inspirational Quotes
Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.Inspirational Religion Reading
'more' is not what you're looking for. 'All' is what you're looking for. If you want 'more', you can conquer it. If you want 'all', can you conquer it? Can you earn it? If you want 'all', what should you do about it? If you look at that, you'll naturally turn spiritualInspirational Life Seeking
Spiritual process is not for the dead or the dying; it is for the living who want to become fully alive in all dimensions of lifeInspirational Success
Being spiritual does not mean being dead serious. If you allow life to happen within you exuberantly, unbridled, you will touch the spirit.Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth
If you shake off the influences of external circumstances, you are naturally spiritualInspirational Short
Wisdom +
Spirituality quotes
Wisdom Quotes
Meditation is "active calmness." Passive calmness, as in sleep or idle daydreaming, is essentially different from active calmness—the positive state of peace found in scientific meditation.Wisdom Meditation
The most fundamental aspect on the spiritual path is to be one hundred percent straight with yourself.Wisdom Honesty
Verily, nothing else in this world is as sanctifying as wisdom. In due course of time, the devotee who is successful in yoga will spontaneously realize this within his Self.Wisdom Yoga Self realization Bhagavad gita
I will no longer mutilate and destroy myself in order to find a secret behind the ruins.Wisdom Seeking
Attachment is a consequence of exclusiveness. The moment you choose between one and the other, you naturally get entangledWisdom Inclusiveness
Shiva is the destroyer, but he is also the very basis of creation. He is the most beautiful and he is the most ugly. He is the most wonderful and he is the most terrible. Shiva's personality has been created like this because, if you can accept this one man, you will accept the whole creation the way it is. It is a tool, it is a deviceWisdom Yoga
When someone is not eating properly, I cannot talk spirituality to them or teach them meditation, because when a man is hungry, talking to him about meditation and spirituality is obscene. It is vulgarWisdom Compassion Meditation
If your gentle and loving nature are coming out of your inclusiveness, it is fantastic. But if it is a formula that you have learned to get what you want, it doesn't mean anything.Wisdom Inclusiveness
The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt. Just be, melt and become part of the wind and the earth; become part of everything, as creation intendsWisdom Creation Hurt
The more you know about something, the better you can handle it. The more you know about Yourself, the better you can handle Yourself. This is called self-realization.Wisdom Knowledge Self realization
All spirituality Quotes ⇑
Surrendering to the demands of the senses does not satisfy them, but rather creates insatiable desires for further sense experiences.Desire Wisdom Pleasure
It is spiritual poverty, not material lack, that lies at the core of all human suffering.Suffering
I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.Religion
You alone are the judge of your worth and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.Goal
Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there.Religion Fear
The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists... It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one's spiritual attainments... God was and is looking for hungry, thirsty people.People Secret
You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.Belief Consciousness
Very few people transcend out of their intelligence, most people have to be thrashed by life; only then they will transcendIntelligence Suffering People
'What I Know, I know, what I do not know, I do not know', once you come to this sincerely, your knowing will constantly go on expanding on a daily basis, otherwise, the moment you believe, you are stagnantPhilosophy Belief Seeking Integrity
You don't have to be whipped by the world to be at your best you're willing to whip yourself to be at your best. When it's self-driven, we call it spiritual, when it is driven by somebody, it becomes slavery.
Forget about others. You learn to be loving by your own nature, not because of somebody else or something else.Love Nature
Love is not a joy; it is a deep, wonderful pain. Everything within you should tear. Only then will you know what love is.Love Relationship Pain Joy
Do not try to be special. If you are simply ordinary, more ordinary than others, you will become extraordinary
The spiritual journey is a journey towards clarity, but never towards certainty. When you draw conclusions about beginnings and endings, you are a believer. When you accept that you really do not know anything, you become a seeker.
One who is in constant journey learns to love and enjoy everything, but not pick up anything on the way.Love Philosophy Wisdom
To progress on the path, you should only be concerned about where you go, not where you came fromPossibility
A materialistic person is ruthless with other people but kind to himself. A spiritual person is ruthless with himself but kind to everybody elsePerspective Kindness Effort
A spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair with lifeLove Short
You can use this mind as a ladder to the Divine, or you can use it to trap yourself into this little body and feel like a refugee on this planetMind Body
No matter where you are or who you are, may you never be a prisoner of your own body, mind & emotions. May you know the power of liberating yourself through YogaYoga Liberation
The ideas of heat & cold, pleasure & pain, are produced by the contact of the senses with their objects. Such ideas are limited by a beginning & an end, they are transitory, bear them with patiencePhilosophy Wisdom Pain Bhagavad gita
A person who does not disturb the world and who cannot be disturbed by the world, who is free from exultation, jealousy, apprehension, and worry— he too is dear to meWorld
Forget the past. The vanished lives of all men are dark with many shames. Human conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the divine. Everything in future will improve if you are making a spiritual effort nowMen Future Effort
If you want to be spiritual, seek good company and don't mix with those whose bad habits may wrongly influence youHabit
He is your best friend who humbly suggests to you how you may improve and benefit yourself. If we always live in the company of flatterers, it is bad for us-for our spiritual growth.Friends
Everyone in the world is on the spiritual path
This show has a purpose: that you learn how to play the various parts of the life movie without identifying your Self with your roleTruth Wisdom
If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them a part of yourself.Advice
The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.Courage
I'm not afraid of death because I don't believe in it. It's just getting out of one car, and into another.Death
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.Philosophy Science
There are all kinds of idiots on the planet, but the so-called religious and spiritual idiots take the cake anywhere in the world.Funny Religion
You are working towards somebody else's idea of success, that is not a success, your success is you as a human being you found your full potential, that is your successPhilosophy Success Truth Wisdom
If you make your process of desiring into a conscious process, then desire is no more a problem, desire is a wonderful vehicle that will take you placesDesire Problems Consciousness
If you want to approach the truth, the first thing is you don't assume anything. If you have already made an assumption, you are just trying to find the confirmation for your assumption, that is not seeking truthTruth Seeking
If you see 'I do not know' the longing to know will arise within you, if the longing arises, the seeking arises, if the seeking arises, the possibility of knowing existsSeeking Honesty Possibility Knowing
Yoga is about enhancing the interiority of who you are (the outside has to be conducted as it needs to be conducted)Yoga
With your actions, if you are turning yourself against yourself, because you do things senselessly & you are not doing things by choice simply because you have given in to a certain aspect of your body or emotion or something, then definitely you will bring suffering to yourselfEmotions Choice Suffering
guru who comforts you is no good to you. There is nothing spiritual about giving solace to people. It is just a psychological comfort which your family can offer, which your dog can offer. Dog is good solace for youFamily Humor Comfort
If you constantly bow down to everything, genuinely, not as an exercise, not because somebody has told you, genuinely if you bow down to everything that you see, within yourself and outside of yourself then you will see there will be no such thing as 'you' left. When you are devoid of you, you are always the same.Devotion Self realization Non-duality
Devotion cannot be practiced. It cannot be cultivated or cultured. When you are overwhelmed by something or somebody that you see something or somebody way above yourself, far beyond yourself, naturally devotion comes.Devotion
yoga as a process, yoga as a method, yoga as a technology, yoga as a science is essentially to break the limitations of a certain concretization that happens, which we call as personality - to evolve from being a person to a presence.Personality Yoga Limitation
if the process of dividing life into proper compartments doesn't mean much to you anymore, you want to know the timelessness of life, the boundless nature of what this is, then you need to be little bit set on fire. nice logic or petty emotions won't do it. They don't magnify the possibility of moving from a limited state of ignorance to an unlimited stateIgnorance Limitation Possibility
Every human being is capable of spiritual greatness, it is just that they are identifying with their limitations, they are not identifying with the possibility of the immensity of being humanBeing human Limitation Possibility
Health is not just an absence of disease. Health means, the word health comes from the word “whole”. When an individual human being feels complete within himself - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually- that's when health isHealth
Spiritual process is like driving a car. Sadhana is like that too. You just press the accelerator and leave it; it keeps running unless you're braking all the time.Analogy
You would be naturally, one hundred percent pleasant within yourself if you make yourself the way you want yourself to be. Without doing that, you had no business to get married, if you ask me. At least one life could have been savedFunny Life Love Marriage
To become open is the most important thing. So just believing that I am open and not doing anything about it, is no good. Openness has to be tested with your commitment of time and effort. How open you are, you have to prove, every day to yourself and to the existenceEffort
Before you go to bed, everything that is not you, keep it aside. They may be precious to you, keep it aside, one day when you successfully keep everything aside that you are not, what you are will be thereLiberation Self realization
There are only two kinds of people in the world, mystics and mistakes. If your perception has made a mistake you're a mistake. If your perception has gone beyond the mistakes and beginning to see life just the way it is then you are a mysticFunny Mistake Perception
You cannot think about it, you cannot talk about it because whatever you think and talk about is not spirituality.Thinking
If you're just conscious of your mortality you will naturally become spiritual. You will not become spiritual by thinking about God. You will become unrealistic, hallucinatory.Death God Consciousness
One who is longing to use love as a way of ultimate union should not be bothered about being a doormat, this and that.Love
Maybe you're thinking of more money but that's only your misunderstanding, you want to be something more - that's a spiritual process; misguided but spiritual. You want to become powerful/ rich/ knowledgeable/ loved, you want to have pleasure- all this is spiritual processes going in wrong directions, that's all
In search of wellbeing, we have done all kinds of insane things on this planet, but wellbeing has not happened. If wellbeing is what you seek, in is the only way out.Freedom
The whole art of being a Guru is just this: to constantly puncture people's ego and still manage to remain their friend.Funny Friends People
Marriage means weaving two lives into one. Thinking, feeling, and living beyond yourself can be a stepping stone to ultimate union.Marriage Relationship
Learning to live with the reality is the most important dimension. If you stop distorting things in your mind and just see everything the way it is, mukti is just one step away. You don't have to do anything. Just time will mature you into another place.Time Mind Reality Liberation
Education and spiritual process should not be in the hands of prejudiced minds. Prejudice means not seeing life the way it isEducation Life
If you live on the surface, you just live as a piece of creation. If you go to the core, you are the very creator himself.Creation Self realization
Every social group is built on identifications. The basis of spiritual process is to learn to live without an identityFreedom Wisdom Society
Realization does not depend on your capability. If you remain oriented, you will realize
With absolute involvement, any activity can become a spiritual process.
Joy, peace, and love aren't spiritual goals. They are the starting point for living sensibly.Love Peace Short Joy
The world needs you to be pleasant. But spiritual process is about transcendence, not good behavior.Morality World
To simply live here goal-less is what a spiritual process is about. That does not mean being lethargic and laxGoal Life
If you can joyfully be a skeptic, then you are a spiritual seeker, and that's an ideal mindset for seeking the truth.Truth Seeking
Spirituality is ultimate greed. You don't just want a piece of creation - you want the source of creation.
Spirituality means you don't try to find explanations for your nonsense - you are willing to face itCourage
Spirituality is not something you can do on the outside, in a temple, mosque, or church - it has to happen within yourself.
On Spirituality: If You are inside a car and don't know how to drive, you will be scared. But if you know, the faster it goes the more ecstatic you get.Experience Analogy
It does not take any spiritual teaching to become loving, compassionate, and peaceful. It is just simple senseLove Peace Compassion
When we say spirituality, we are talking about an existential change.Change Short
One simple thing that can transform a human being is emotion. Your emotion can drag you into the gutter or it can take you to the highest peak of consciousnessEmotions Consciousness
This body and mind are just temporary happenings. Is the awareness of that not inspiration enough to long for something beyond?Question Mind Body
Spiritual process is to crackdown whatever can be cracked down. There is something in you which cannot be cracked down
The word yoga means union. Yoga is not a religion. We looked at the Universe and saw unionReligion Yoga
The yogic system is about enhancing your perception. The divine should not be an imagined hope - it should become a living reality for youHope Reality Yoga
You don't have to do anything, you don't have to think anything, you don't have to feel anything to be complete. You are complete by yourselfLife
Seek what you know as the highest. It does not matter whether it is going to happen or not - living with a vision itself is a very elevating processSeeking
If you know how to touch the core of a human being, everyone is willing to do the best for youLove Short Inclusiveness
The only reason why most people have not realized the inner realities is, they believe things that they do not know.Belief Seeking Reality
Spirituality is not about peace, joy, or going to heaven - it is about exploring your self totallyPeace Short Joy
Life is intensity. Life within you does not slacken even for a moment. What slackens is your mind & your emotion- sometimes on, sometimes off. Watch the breath, does it ever slacken? If it slackens, it means death, When I go on telling you in so many ways to be intense, I am just talking about you becoming like lifeLife
Once there is a distance between you and your thought process, a new freedom is born. With this freedom, a new perception arisesFreedom Wisdom Thought Meditation
Once you realize that the way you exist right now is not enough, that there is something more, your spiritual process has already begunGrowth
You can give joyfully only when you have found something so valuable within yourself that everything else does not mean so much to you anymoreSuccess
Spiritual process means life is happening in its fullest and most vibrant dimension - not just physically, mentally, and emotionally - on all levelsLife Emotions Mind
Being on the spiritual path means you want to be a success in an existential sphere, not just on a social levelSuccess
A human being is a highly sophisticated mechanism. If you are in proper tune, you are capable of perceiving the whole cosmos within yourselfBeing human
As a human, you are not a being, you are a becoming, an ongoing process. Nothing is fixed - you can be whichever way you want to beBeing human
Spiritual process means, you do what life is longing for, to become more than what you are right now. The materialistic way, it will never work
spirituality means to crank up your life to the highest pitch of intensityLife Short One liners
one who has not realized the eternal nature must at least realize the mortal nature. Only when he realizes the mortal nature and confronts it, the longing to go beyond becomes a genuine force. Otherwise, all spiritual process is just bad entertainment
Until you allow yourself to blossom into a state of boundlessness, you should not be content, you must burn with discontentSeeking
In spirituality, when we say growth, we are talking about becoming smaller; not just smaller - non existentGrowth Existence Non-duality
Spiritual sadhana is not about making you into something other than what you are, but to erase the false faces that you have created for yourselfShort
The reminder of one's mortality has always been the fundamental force behind the human search for something beyond. If they never knew that they would die, nobody would seek spirituality.Philosophy Truth Seeking
To be spiritual has always been understood as to also be gentle, which has always been misinterpreted as weakness. The weak are not gentle by choice but because they are incapable. Gentleness is of value only when it is by choiceChoice
Joy is not a goal by itself. Joy is a condition that opens you up for life. It opens you up to perceive and know lifeGoal Life Joy
Spirituality: If your experience of life transcends the physical, and something other than the physical is happening, then we can say you are spiritualLife Experience
Only when you remind yourself of your death, you will turn spiritual. If you think of God, fantasies will come in your mind. No spirituality will comeDeath God Mind
If you are seeking infinite, installment is not the way. It will be an endless installment.Short
There are a million different ways through which you can attain your ultimate nature.Short
Spirituality means that you are seeking tools to go beyond the limitations of the five sense perceptions and experience something more than the physical.Experience Seeking Limitation
Somebody becomes spiritual because he has developed a certain openness about life. He has no conclusions about anything. He is willing to look at everything.Life
Once you become an absolute "yes" to life, then spirituality is not something that you have to look for somewhere; whatever you do is spiritual
Science is the study of the knowable. Spirituality is the study of the unknowable.Science Knowledge
What if your life was a sacred responsibility? The body- a temple. Every motive- pure. Every glance- compassionate. Every word- true. Every act- right. Every moment- holy.Life Responsibility
All activities are carried out by the three modes of material nature. But in ignorance, the soul, deluded by false identification with the body, thinks itself to be the doer.Nature Philosophy Soul Ignorance
In whatever way people surrender unto me, I reciprocate with them accordingly. Everyone follows my path, knowingly or unknowinglyBhagavad gita
Among thousands of men, perhaps one strives for spiritual attainment; and, among the blessed true seekers that assiduously try to reach Me, perhaps one perceives Me as I am.Self realization Bhagavad gita
Yoga is the path of spiritual action, the infallible means by which a concept is transmuted into realization. For those who embrace this "real religion," there is no waste of any holy effortReligion Action Yoga Self realization
An enlightened yogi does not lose the individuality of his soul; instead, he finds his being extended into the Being of the SpiritSoul Individuality
The soul temporarily dreams itself to be a body, experiencing its attendant joys and sorrows; though in reality, it is always the changeless image of GodDreams God Soul Experience
Spiritual success lies in constantly attuning yourself with the cosmic mind, and in maintaining your peace and poise no matter what irremediable events occur in your life, such as the death of dear ones, or other sorrowful happeningsDeath Life Success
Unwillingness to meditate should be recognized as among the foremost enemies of man's physical, mental, and spiritual well-beingMeditation
Could you nourish yourself by only listening to a talk on food? To know food only theoretically is to always remain hungry. You must eat to satisfy hunger. So he who seeks new doctrines continuously but does not put them into practice in his life is in continual spiritual starvationFood
From the very beginning evil existed to delude man and influence his free choice. How easy it is for the majority of people to be tempted materially, to languish spiritually and do the very things that will hurt themselvesEvil Choice
Be in the world and do your part, but do not be caught up and bound by its delusions, or you will be enslaved.World
Truth cannot be received just by listening to lectures; it comes by following the law of spiritual ardor and of spiritual labor on the part of the devoteeTruth
We must be really convinced in our hearts that God-happiness is preferable to sense pleasures.Pleasure
The path to God is like a razor's edge. But discouragement is never justified, because we don't have to acquire or win anything; we have only to realize that God is already within us.
All earnest students should keep a record, or at least a mental diary, of their changing tendencies, marking out their progress in the development of any good qualities which they may lack and which they are trying to cultivate
Don't yearn for human love; it will vanish. Behind human love is the spiritual love of God. Seek that.Love
Success in marriage is very difficult if partners expect too much from their spouses. When each demands fulfillment from the other & that demand is not met, they become enemies. A lasting and fulfilling marriage is in most cases impossible without spiritualityMarriage
In the spiritual path, no wholehearted devotee is ever unsuccessful. His labors are never in vain.Failure
The secret of true religion lies in the cave of stillness, in the cave of wisdom, in the cave of the spiritual eye.Religion Wisdom Secret
Reincarnation is the law of spiritual evolution. It gives everything a chance to work out its karma
Eat nuts, cheese, eggs, and vegetable proteins in preference to meat. Fruits are the most spiritually beneficial of all foods.Food
To meditate a short time with depth is better than to meditate for long hours with the mind running wild.Time Mind Meditation
Think of divine abundance as a mighty, refreshing rain. Whatever receptacle you have at hand will receive it. If you hold up a tin cup, you will receive only that quantity. If you hold up a bowl, that will be filled
Spirituality is not about being super-human, this is about realizing that being human is super. It's extraordinary because lot of people have denied themselves the possibility of knowing the immensity of being human.Being human Possibility
Your home, your city, your town and your state and your nation and the world should become like a temple. That cannot be done by building more temples; that can only be done by you being in touch with the Divine
The work of a Guru is essentially, not to bring morality to you but to bring spirituality to you. The difference is just this - one is an imposition, another is a natural blossoming -to see that this human nature reaches its ultimate possibility.Morality Possibility
If you take one little step (in the spiritual direction) it's worth all the scriptures on the planet. Do it before it's too late.Action Book
The very sovereignty of this nation will be untenable the moment you hack the spiritual thread that binds us. So it is in the hands of young people like you to strengthen that within yourself and in everybody around you
Tantra means a technique or a knowledge or a certain technology of being able to unmake life and make life again.Life Knowledge
If you give me 28 hours of focused time, I will build a vehicle for you which will naturally transport you inward. But you want it today evening? it's not going to workTime Humor
Your business is just to become receptive to the bounty of life; to know life in its fullest way.Life Short
If you're smart enough, you will make arrangements that support you, not arrangement that entangle youFreedom Life Success
Spiritual process means to be on fire. Peace will happen when you 'rest in peace.'Peace Short
A mundane life goes from womb to tomb. A life of awareness leads to liberation from the very process of Life and DeathLiberation
If you could simply sit here and be absolutely blissed out, you would not smoke, drink or pop anything, because there is more chemistry within the system than you can get from any of these.Yoga
Don't judge someone's spiritual process by their behavior. The spiritual process is beyond the ways of body and mind
Spirituality is not moral science. Spirituality is about enhancing the life that you areLife Short Morality
Spiritual process means your life is not driven by your physical nature. Life's intrinsic intelligence needs to find expressionLife Nature Intelligence
Everybody has a lifestyle, but they don't have a life. Spirituality means you have a life which is throbbing and roaring within youLife
Spirituality is not a disability - it is a phenomenal empowerment of life.Life Short One liners
Sadhana is towards creating a sense of inner fulfillment, where there is no need to lean on anyone or anythingFreedom Yoga
Exploring the nature of oneself is spiritual process. Exploring the nature of the creation is MysticismNature
The best way to become spiritual is to consciously evolve to a point where you are not compulsorily reactive anymore
Unfortunately, for most people peace has become the highest goal in life. Such people will only Rest In Peace. We need to understand that peace is the most fundamental requirement, not the highest goalGoal Life Peace
Being on the spiritual path is not about becoming a constipated life but to have an unbridled involvement with everything & every life aroundLife
It is nice to transcend your logic, but it is stupid to give up your logic.Short
Health is not just absence of disease but a wholeness that involves physical, mental & spiritual well-beingHealth
By going to the temple, mosque, or church, you do not become spiritual. You become spiritual only by turning inward.
One's progress within oneself has nothing to do with what a person does on the outsideShort
The Divine is not sitting somewhere in heaven - it is within us.Short One liners
Purity does not mean digressing from the life process. Purity means you have become the life process.Life Wisdom Seeking
If your liberation becomes your only priority, everything will open up for you. Enlightenment won't happen on the side.Liberation
Being spiritual is not about giving up the physical but about transcending itShort One liners
If you try to use fewer words to say what you need to say, you will become conscious of your speech, and in turn of your thoughts.Thought Consciousness
The whole dimension of spirituality is to melt and become one with existence, not to stand out like a sore thumbExistence
As a person, you will always feel incomplete. As a being, as life, you are always completeLife Short
For wealth to translate into wellbeing, you need a spiritual element within you. Without that, your success could work against youSuccess
There is no need to balance spirituality and materialism, because there are no two such things. Its just you.Life
Walking the spiritual path means moving towards liberation, regardless of your past tendencies, your genes, and your bodyLiberation Body
Being spiritual is a far more intelligent way to exist. It means being in tune with the intelligence of the CreatorIntelligence
The spiritual process is always individual. You may sit in a group, but only the individual can evolve, only the individual can liberate himselfLiberation Individuality
People may think this is extreme, but, You must go and volunteer in hospital wards where people die and you must see, it's very important, only then you become sensitive to life, life becomes super valuable because you know it is limitedLife Truth People
If you are responding to filth (that comes in your way) consciously, filth becomes great manure to produce a wonderful flower out of you, to bring out the most wonderful fragrance in youGrowth
Local environmentalism is to personal spirituality as global environmentalism is to organized religion.
Spirituality is a luxury good. In olden times, you had to lower your wants, first. In modern times, you can raise your means instead.
Religion, science, and spirituality help us make sense of the world. Life without at least one of them is a lonely and confusing place.Life Religion Science
Spiritual advancement is not to be measured by one's display of outward powers, but solely by the depth of his bliss in meditation.Meditation
If you love Him and inwardly talk to Him, and know He is with you, you will get much more result than from hours of just sitting absentmindedly in silence, supposedly meditating, with your mind wandering over everything but GodGod
One way of practicing God's presence is to talk to Him mentally.God Short
Strive ceaselessly; never be impatient. Once the finality is achieved, incarnation of troubles will be over in a second, just as when light is admitted within a room that has been locked for decades, the darkness vanishes instantly.
I am the prince of perpetual peace playing in a drama of sad and happy dreams on the stage of experience.Non-duality
I am the child of God evermore. My power is greater than all my tests. What wrong things I did in the past, I can now undo by good actions and meditation. I will destroy them. I am an immortal evermore.Meditation
We should learn to spiritualize service--to perform work that gives the best service to mankind. He who makes service rather than money his goal will see the entire plan of his life change. He will never be left out.Change
Material desires take away the desire for the InfiniteDesire
Physical sickness is due to different forms of toxic conditions, infectious diseases, and accidents. Mental sickness is caused by fear, worry, anger, and similar emotional inharmonies. Soul sickness is due to man's ignorance of his true relationship with God.Ignorance
This world is an imperfect place. It is only a school of tests. Through tests we learn life's lessons. Test are not meant to crush us. They develop our power. They come through the natural law of progress. It is necessary for us to advance from lower to higher stepsWorld Life lessons
To all those who seek and love him, he tells of that great Life where there is no pain, no old age, no war, no death — only eternal assurance. In that life, nothing is destroyedGod
When the purpose of meditation is fulfilled, the devotee finds his consciousness automatically concentrated at the spiritual eye, and he experiences, according to his inner spiritual capacity, a state of joyous divine union with Spirit.Meditation Consciousness
It is wrong to say that we are mortals when we are essentially immortal. It is the truth that we are gods, and it is wrong to call ourselves weaklingsTruth Spirit
God sends to you those experiences you need, that you might profit by them. If you run away from those lessons, you will still have to learn them sometime, somewhere else.God Experience
Business is nothing but serving others materially in the best possible way.Short
If you love God's creation more than God, you will be disillusioned. God must be first, last, and alwaysGod Creation
To reach God you must avoid crowds, too many distractions, too many movies, too many fruitless engagements, too many desires, too much waste of timeDesire God Time Advice
During your sojourn here upon earth, remember that you are only a movie actor. You may be called upon to play any kind of part, tragic or comic, and you must play well;Earth
If one dies of natural causes or is spiritually advanced, the body of sensations simply drops off, and when the consciousness reawakens on another plane it has all the sensations of the body without any physical form.Death Body
In the beginning, don't force yourself to sit for a long time. Strive for shorter, but deeper, meditations. Then gradually, as you become accustomed to going deep, lengthen the time you sit in meditationTime Meditation
I don't profess any religion; I don't think it's possible that there is a God; I have the greatest difficulty in understanding what is meant by the words 'spiritual' or 'spirituality.'God Religion Sarcasm Possibility
Every spiritual thought you think will be your eternal friend. And every evil inclination you acquire will be your enemy for a long, long time; it will pursue you until you slay itEvil Enemy Thought
A guru's only interest is to help you progress spiritually. If the teacher wants something from the disciple, he is not a master. The master's only desire is to give, not to take.
The guru serves as this mirror. He holds up to the devotee a reflection of his perfect soul-image over which is superimposed the flaws of the ego that yet mar perfection.
He who cannot learn through the wisdom and love of his God-ordained guru will not find God in this life. Several incarnations at least must pass before he will have another such opportunity.
First establish yourself irrevocably on the divine path; then if you marry you won't make a mistake.Marriage Mistake
A husband and wife should be loyal to each other and try to make each other happy in every way. The spiritual wife should not forsake the unspiritual husband, nor should the spiritual husband forsake the unspiritual wifeMarriage
God has sent you to me, and I shall never fail you... Even when I am gone, my help will always be given to devotees all over the world, if they keep in tune
When true friendship exists between two souls and they seek spiritual love and God's love together, when their only wish is to be of service to each other, their friendship produces the flame of Spirit.Friendship Marriage
Close your eyes and gently focus your gaze and concentrate at the point between the eyebrows.
To be able to concentrate is essential for spiritual progress; without concentration, you shall never find GodGod