Books have to be heavy because the whole world's inside them.Book
This book taught me, once and for all, how easily you can escape this world with the help of words! You can find friends between the pages of a book, wonderful friends.Book Friends
Which of us has not felt that the character we are reading in the printed page is more real than the person standing beside us?Words Book
Women were different, no doubt about it. Men broke so much more quickly. Grief didn't break women. Instead it wore them down, it hollowed them out very slowly.Man woman
Stories never really end...even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They don't end on the last page, any more than they begin on the first page.Literature Book
It's a good idea to have your own books with you in a strange placeIdea Book
The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure.Short