It wasn't that Henry was less of himself in English. He was less of himself out loud. His native language was thought.Thought
"How do you feel about helicopters?" There was a long pause. "How do you mean? Ethically?" "As a mode of transportation." "Faster than camels, but less sustainable.Question Humor
right in this moment, I can´t even remember what unhappy feels like.Happiness Joy
Some days seem to fit together like a stained glass window. A hundred little pieces of different color and mood that, when combined, create a complete picture.Poetry
I don't care to be pretty... I care to look on the outside like I look on the inside.
His lips tasted cool and sharp, peppermint, winter, but his hands, soft on the back of my neck, promised long days and summer and forever.Romance
He left bloody fingerprints on the rock, but there was something satisfying about that. I was here. I exist. I'm alive, because I bleed.
And here was Ronan, like a heart attack that never stopped.
He strode over to the ruined church. This, Blue had discovered, was how Gansey got places - striding. Walking was for ordinary people.