I stopped believing there was a power of good and a power of evil that were outside us. And I came to believe that good and evil are names for what people do, not for what they are.Morality
We don't need a list of rights and wrongs, tables of dos and don'ts: we need books, time, and silence. 'Thou shalt not' is soon forgotten, but 'Once upon a time' lasts forever.Inspirational Book
After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.Book
When you choose one way out of many, all the ways you don't take are snuffed out like candles, as if they'd never existed.Philosophy Choice
I don't profess any religion; I don't think it's possible that there is a God; I have the greatest difficulty in understanding what is meant by the words 'spiritual' or 'spirituality.'Difficulty Possibility Spirituality Sarcasm