“ The body is a loan from this planet. If you have done something wonderful out of this, when the time comes to pay back, you will pay joyfully ”
Source: https://twitter.com/SadhguruJV/status/381505165721088000
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This body is a loan you have taken from the planet. If I give you $1 million today, & in 10 years' time you have made it into $100 million, when I come looking for you, you'd welcome me & give me back my million. If you've done something truly wonderful out of yourself, when the moment to pay back the loan (body) comes, you'd give back joyfully
The very body that you carry right now, it has been millions of bodies in the past.. the soil going through every form of life
I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.