Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don't. I don't. People are much more complicated than that. It's true of everybody.Reality People Human nature
Once you have come as a human, you are not trapped anymore, other creatures are trapped in their own instincts, beyond that they cannot think, you have instincts for survival, but you have the possibility of going beyond instinctsSuffering Possibility
Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots.Short Emotions
You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.Beauty Life Opportunity Joy
There is nothing wrong with being limited, it is just that your nature is such that it can not settle for the limited, because it is seeking the unboundedSeeking Liberation Limitation Human nature
Is there some aspect of life that human beings are not suffering? If they are poor they suffer their poverty. You make them affluent they suffer that. If they are uneducated they suffer that. If you make them educated they suffer that. If they are unmarried they suffer that. You get them married.. If they don't have children they suffer that. If they have..Funny Life Truth Wisdom
Excellence is not about being better than someone. Excellence means human mechanism performs at its peakGrowth
Life +
Being Human quotes
Life Quotes
The most beautiful moments in life are moments when one is expressing one's joy, not when one is seeking it. The first and most fundamental responsibility for a human being is to become a joyous beingLife Joy Moment
The business of human wellbeing is the only real business. All other businesses are subsidiaries of that.Life
Human Life truly begins only when survival is taken care of. For all other animals, life ends with survivalLife
As an individual your most important thing is that you are functioning at the fullest level as a human being.Life
Empathy, Compassion, Love are consequences of a human being being in a certain way, you nurture the root, fruit will happen. Fruit is a consequence.Life Compassion Humanity
Habit means fixed realities where you don't have to think. No, don't try to automatize your life. That is not efficiency. That is the efficiency of the machine. This one is supposed to function intelligently and consciouslyLife Habit Intelligence
Most of the times unfortunately, most people's minds are working against themLife Mind
For all the other beings, everything in their life is set, Once you are born as a human, your life is in your hands, Nature has left that responsibility to usLife Nature Responsibility
Once right and wrong comes, you will create a very prejudiced world. We never looked at it right and wrong. We always saw it in terms of every life has to find full expression. For that it needs nurture. How well you nurture it, that's how well it becomes.Life
To be a full-fledged human being is to respond to every life around you to the best of your ability.Life Responsibility
This living being that you are is the greatest scripture. Everything that you need to know about life is written into this oneLife
Yoga is a tool to find ultimate expression to life. Every human being must explore and know thisLife Yoga
I am no longer the wave of consciousness thinking itself separated from the sea of cosmic consciousness. I am the ocean of Spirit that has become the wave of human life.Life Consciousness Thinking
All being human Quotes ⇑
If your idea of success is just about being ahead of others, you will definitely not explore the full potential of who you are.Success Idea
What fragrance is to a flower, love is to a human being.Love Short
Unfortunately most people utter the word human only with reference to the limitations of being humanLimitation People
A complete human being is in equilibrium between the masculine and the feminine.Short
Eating, sleeping, reproducing, dying - every other species does it effortlessly. Why do human beings make such a fuss about it?Death Humor
Before you and I came here on this planet, a countless number of people have walked on this planet, where are they? All topsoil. You will also be topsoil unless someone buries you real deep fearing you may rise from the deadDeath Funny Truth Witty
Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.Love Perspective Kindness Individuality
I feel more fellowship with the defeated than with saints. Heroism and sanctity don't really appeal to me, I imagine. What interests me is being a man.
A sense of humour is the only divine quality of manMan
You are working towards somebody else's idea of success, that is not a success, your success is you as a human being you found your full potential, that is your successPhilosophy Success Truth Wisdom
If you remain a compulsive creature, you cannot call yourself a full-fledged human being, only when you are able to do everything by choice can you call yourself a human beingFreedom Wisdom Choice
A flower is not thinking of giving fragrance to you. A tree is not thinking of giving oxygen, The earthworm is not thinking of making the earth fertile, If they eat or if they shit they are doing good thing. Because they're just being themselves, they don't have to think of doing good thingsThinking
The ideal would be that we look at human well being, not human health, if you consider human well being as a composite subject and an approach, then you'd consider what makes a human being complete and approach all of them together, that is the best way to do itHealth
The beauty of being human is that we can do everything consciously, The moment we do something consciously suddenly that human being looks very refined and wonderful.Control
Every human being is capable of spiritual greatness, it is just that they are identifying with their limitations, they are not identifying with the possibility of the immensity of being humanSpirituality Limitation Possibility
People are always referring to human as a limitation, as a compulsion, not as a liberation, what you call as 'myself' for most human beings is a bundle of compulsions, that they can only be like this, they can only do this, they can only do that. Unfortunately they are beginning to decorate their limitationsShort Liberation Limitation
You have made yourself in such a way that you are a result of an unconscious process, you are not a result of a conscious process. When you are a result of an unconscious process, you are bound to be a miserable accident. Yes. It's time every human being takes responsibility to at least change this muchChange Responsibility Consciousness
There is a logical dimension to you and there's a dimension beyond that. If you do not explore both you will be an incomplete human being or you will be only half alive.Self realization
There are over hundred billion galaxies, not hundred billion stars; In such a huge vast cosmos our solar system is like a speck. Tomorrow morning if the whole solar system evaporates, nobody is going to miss it. In that super speck, right now Chennai is a micro super speck. In that you are a big man - that is the whole problemFunny Witty Perspective Universe
It is difficult to love someone who is next to you right now, it is easy to love someone who is dead or who is in heaven. Because if you have to love one, you have to give up something that is you, to accommodate another, otherwise it will not happen.Love Truth
So morality is just that, it's the first step towards insanity. You just have to stretch it; if you stretch it, you will go there (insanity)Funny Morality Humanity
What's happening in your mind is your bloody dream. Now the problem with life is not that life is not happening the way you want it, even your dream is not happening the way you want it, that's the problemDreams Humor Problems Mind
What's being right now passed around as love is generally a mutual benefit scheme -you give me this, I'll give you that; if you don't give me that I don't give you thisLove Reality
Human beings have physical, psychological, emotional, economic, social and various other kinds of needs. To fulfill these things when you say “I love you”, instead of making these things ugly to bring some beauty to this transaction, we quote it with a certain amount of sweetness of emotion which we call as love affairBeauty Love Truth Emotions
We have made such a distinction between man and woman as if they are two separate species, no other creature on the planet has this kind of problem with their sex, as the humans have. When they have it in their bodies, they have it, but with humans it is on their minds all the timeReligion Problems Mind Man woman
Is there anybody who is not a philosopher? everybody has a philosophy for whatever they're doing, just go to the drunkard on the street & ask him 'why are you drinking like this?' he has a solid philosophy as to why he's drinking, you stop a thief & ask him 'why are you a thief?' he's got a solid philosophy as to why he's a thief.Funny Philosophy
Once you're not able to think beyond your biological identity, the very nature of being human, the immensity of being a human is constrained and constipated into a very small process.Nature
When it comes to animal husbandry, we're thinking of breeding right, as human beings why are we not thinking of breeding right? Because we are too identified with our own body. “It's mine” is more important than what's rightThinking Body
Suppose I imprison you in a 5x5 cubicle, you'll feel imprisoned. Tomorrow, we'll liberate you into a 10x10 cubicle- you'll feel good for a day & again you'll feel imprisoned. Next day we'll liberate you into a 100x100 cubicle. You'll feel great for 3 days. It doesn't matter where the boundary is. The moment you can feel the boundary, you want to break itMoment Human nature
A spider weaves a web for other things to be caught. But if you're that kind of a spider, you build a web in which you're caught, you're a stupid spider, isn't it? Most human beings are in that conditionAnalogy Mind
Human beings excel when inspired. Only when human beings are truly inspired, they experience & find expression to dimensions they never imagined possibleExperience
Economic goals are only a stepping stone for human well-being. In pursuit of economic goals we should never forget the fundamental business is human well-beingGoal
In nature, everything is living and giving itself to the maximum extent. Only human beings are trying to save - their joy, their love, their everythingLove Nature Joy
A rat race is for rats. As a human being, you can consciously create what you want, without being driven by social compulsionsWisdom Choice Consciousness
The basic virtue for a human being is to be true to yourself - integrity of thought, emotion, and actionIntegrity
The nature of a human being is such that only when his survival process is taken care of, his life begins.Nature
Men & women are different but the problem with humans is that every difference is made into a discriminatory process.Problems Man woman
Don't equate being human with having limitations. Only because you are human, you have the possibility to go beyond all limitationsLimitation
Trying to be like another human being is a deep insult to the Creator, who has made every human absolutely unique
When you are a human being, the upper line is gone. But a bird which has been in a cage for a long time will not fly even if you open the door. It has forgotten that there's something called freedom, flying and living.Freedom Truth Mind
Unless we come to an inner experience where our idea of wellbeing naturally includes every life on earth, we cannot call ourselves human
The essential possibility of being human is that we can act out of our intelligence, love, and compassion, rather than out of compulsionsFreedom Love Compassion
If you knew the immensity of what it means to be human, you would not talk about God or HeavenGod Short
Whatever kind of business you are into, ultimately, there is only one business, that is human well-being
A human being is a highly sophisticated mechanism. If you are in proper tune, you are capable of perceiving the whole cosmos within yourselfSpirituality
As a human, you are not a being, you are a becoming, an ongoing process. Nothing is fixed - you can be whichever way you want to beSpirituality
Look at my eyes, I'm stoned, never touched the substance but fully stoned all the time, I want you to understand that the greatest chemical factory on the planet is here (the human body), if you are a good manager of this, you can create any experience from withinBody
Either you create your situations or the situations make you... Some people are being created by situations, but some people are creating the situations in which they live, and that is the whole empowerment of being a human being.People
The problem with the human being is, he is given an intellect that is capable of many things, which no other creature is capable of. But because the necessary attention has not been paid, and the necessary time has not been spent as to how to use such a powerful instrument, it has become a major problem for human beings.Problems Intelligence
The immensity of being human is being completely missed because we are too engaged with other things. If we pay enough attention to the human mechanism, the things we want to do in the world are just a play.
We are always busy seeing how to fix the world. The world need not be fixed. If we generate the right kind of human beings, the world will be a wonderful place to live inWorld
Statistics cannot consider what is beating in the human heart. If only we can stoke that, if only we can stir up what is happening in individual hearts, miracles are possibleHeart
If human beings disappeared from the planet, the world would be very peaceful. If you don't create conflict, there is peace.Funny Peace World
Our inner atmosphere must be ruled by us, and only by us. Only then we can call ourselves humanSelf control
When we are unable to bring ourselves to some sense of peace, every little issue gets blown out of proportion. For every little thing, we end up fighting with each other.Truth
You don't see other creatures of the planet suffering like human beings. Their suffering is purely physical. If they are physically harmed, they are in pain. Even in pain, the do not know the kind of suffering that a human being knowsPain Suffering
Human beings are capable of suffering just about anything. If there is some physical reason, at least they have a good excuse. Otherwise, they will simply suffer for nothing.Truth Suffering
Intelligence is the biggest blessing that a human being has, but right now it has become a curse upon humanity simply because the human being is not coming out as a well-coordinated being. He's dislocated the human being within himself. This intelligence is dangerousHumanity Intelligence
In our mind, we think the life upon this planet is human-centric. But in natural terms, the worms, insects, birds, and animals are far more important than human beings. We as human beings have become the controlling power, so we are beginning to think that we are the most important life.
If you were perfectly sane, you would not need entertainment. You need entertainment just to cover your madness. If we take away your entertainment, you will go crazy. Man needs entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could just sit and watch the bamboo grow.Truth
Human beings need the entertainment to hide their madness. If they were perfectly sane, they could just sit and watch the Flower blossom.
We are biological machines programmed to survive and replicate. Happy is anti-evolution
We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and it is as if the sun has become disgusted with waitingSimile
the biggest advantage, the biggest challenge, the biggest possibility that we humans have in our lives is we are capable of realizing who we areSelf realization Possibility
Spirituality is not about being super-human, this is about realizing that being human is super. It's extraordinary because lot of people have denied themselves the possibility of knowing the immensity of being human.Spirituality Possibility
We have chosen to live with the compulsions of the less evolved creatures on this planet. With animal-like compulsions we want to live. We don't want to live consciously. I'm not saying live this way or that way. Whatever the hell you do, you do it by choice and consciously, that's all - knowing the full implications of what it meansFreedom Choice
Never compare one human being with another. If you compare one with the other, everybody is abnormal. Yes or no? Show me one normal human beingWisdom Problems
There is really no limit as to what one can do. Because capabilities can be constantly enhanced.Short
Gender is given too much importance. We should be able to see humans just as humans.Short Society Humans
Being human is super if only you learn to use your humanity & this human mechanism as a possibility, not as a barrierHumanity Possibility
All thoughts are lousy. If you perceived something fantastic, there wouldn't be a thought in your head in that momentThought Moment
Love is a simple and beautiful emotion. All humans are capable of it. Needs no god's helpLove Short Emotions
A lion is prized for its strength and a bird for its flight, their uniquely expressed attributes. Similarly, humans are prized for their reason, and not their trappings - physical, material or socialStrength Analogy
Incredible amounts of energy are hidden in your brain; enough in a gram of flesh to run the city of Chicago for two days. And you say you are tired?