Perform all actions forsaking attachment to the fruits of actions, being indifferent to success and failure. Such mental equanimity is called YogaFailure Success Action Bhagavad gita
Most people's lives are mortgaged to the social reality around them. Yoga is about releasing the mortgageReality Society People
If you stand on the garbage heap of your mind, your feet will never touch the ground.Short Truth Wisdom Mind
a human being will know the beauty, pleasure and the joy of action only when he has no need for activityBeauty Wisdom Action Joy
No matter where you are or who you are, may you never be a prisoner of your own body, mind & emotions. May you know the power of liberating yourself through YogaSpirituality Liberation
When a man completely relinquishes all desires of the mind and is entirely contented in the self, by the self, he is then considered to be settled in wisdomDesire Wisdom Mind Bhagavad gita
Short +
Yoga quotes
Short Quotes
The very Peak of playfulness is also an expression of the ultimate possibilities of YogaShort Possibility
It is important to understand that though yoga is Indian in origin, it is universal in appealShort
Whatever physical activity you do - if you do it with involvement and joy, you are a karma yogiShort Joy
Yoga is not about going to heaven. It is about making a heaven out of yourself.Short
Essentially, yoga means dissolving your identityShort
Yoga is a method to turn inward and access that dimension which is the source of who you areShort
The basis of yoga is this: to be absolutely intense and relaxed at the same timeShort
Establish yourself in yoga - then act. Beautiful things will come out of it.Short Success Action
When you handle body, breath, mind and your being consciously - that is yogaShort Mind Body
The whole aspect of yoga is to make you receptive (to the existence)Short Existence
Life +
Yoga quotes
Life Quotes
If you find full expression through any particular activity, it may also leave you somewhat transformed. If you cook with all your heart, some transformation may happen. If you sing with all your heart, some transformation may happen.Life
If you're a "person" that means you have made a shell out of yourself. You formed a shell - within that shell only you can operate. If you break the shell, you will no more be a person but simply a presence, as life is, as God is, just a presence.Life
Unless you begin to perceive life in larger and larger doses, there is really no experience of life, just mind playing over and over, same record. Yoga means breaking this cycleLife Experience Memory Mind
If you want to know the intricacy of life in its full depth and dimension - not somehow you lived and died - you want to know it all. If such a longing comes then it needs attention to everythingLife
When you become significant as a life, it doesn't matter what you do, whatever you do will be worthwhile.Life Growth Spirituality
Allowing this life to flower into its fullest possibility is what life is about, is what yoga is about, is what spiritual process is aboutLife Spirituality Possibility
Yoga is a huge love affair. It is a process of including every form and dimension of life.Life Love Short
The science and technology of how this life functions and what we can do with it, is what we refer to as yogaLife
Yoga is the science and technology to know the essential nature of how this life is created and how it can be taken to its ultimate possibility.Life Possibility
Anything that leads to inclusiveness, anything that leads to help you to experience life in a larger way than the way it is, is YogaLife Experience Inclusiveness
The science of yoga is just this: learning to harness and direct your energies in the right way so that 'who you are' finds its ultimate expression. If you do not allow this energy which you call as life to find its expression, it naturally tries to find its way out in violent waysLife
Yoga is a tool to find ultimate expression to life. Every human being must explore and know thisLife Being human
Yoga means looking at the mechanics of life, how it is made, how it functions, and what we can do with itLife
All yoga Quotes ⇑
Those who are moderate in eating and recreation, balanced in work, and regulated in sleep, and remain awake will attain 'yoga'- the destroyer of suffering.Work Bhagavad gita
Whenever and wherever the restless and unsteady mind wanders, one should bring it back and continually focus it on the selfMind Meditation Bhagavad gita
Undoubtedly the mind is fickle and unruly; but by yoga practice and by dispassion, the mind may nevertheless be controlled.Philosophy Wisdom Mind Control
An eager student of even theoretical yoga is farther advanced than is a follower of the outward scriptural ritesBhagavad gita
Yoga is about enhancing the interiority of who you are (the outside has to be conducted as it needs to be conducted)Spirituality
yoga as a process, yoga as a method, yoga as a technology, yoga as a science is essentially to break the limitations of a certain concretization that happens, which we call as personality - to evolve from being a person to a presence.Personality Spirituality Limitation
There is no human being on the planet who has never been joyful. Every human being has been joyful at some point, that means he's capable of joy. It is just that he's unable to stay there, so he needs a technology as to how to maintain the atmosphere within himself. It's possibleWisdom Joy
You know peace, you know love, only problem is that you can't hold onto it (without sadhana)Love Peace Short
Without these four things (your head, your heart, your hands and your energy) getting together within you, unless all of it reaches its peak it(liberation) will not happenLiberation
you don't have to do any great yoga of twisting yourself upside down and all that. Simple things; if you breathe right and keep your body in a certain level of balance, you will see there is no need to have any kind of ailments.Body
What is human is not a fixed state, it is a possibility, if this possibility has to be made use of, there is a whole system of understanding that needs to happen, understanding the mechanics of how this whole system of human being works, this mechanics, this technology, this science is called YogaPossibility Understanding
A lot of people believe Yoga started in California, I met someone who seriously believed it was Madonna who started YogaFunny Short
Unfortunately, if you utter the word Yoga, people think you have to be in some impossible posture, Yoga is not about postures, it is just a minuscule aspect of it, Yoga means in your experience everything has become one. The Word Yoga means UnionFunny Experience
Krishna went through the maximum amount of Drama, but untouched, because he was first established in Yoga
If you act without establishing yourself in Yoga, then your action will become an entanglement, it doesn't matter what you are doing,Action
Essentially any form is a limited space. So, yoga means to unite that which is limited with that which is unlimited
Constantly a human being is longing to be something more than what they are right now. the thing is you want to include something which is not a part of you as yourself, that is the whole effort, if it happens on the emotional level, we call it Love affair. If you do it consciously, we call YogaLove Emotions Effort
In the whole system of yoga - there are no concepts, there're no philosophies, there're no ideologies, there're no belief systems - only methods to enhance your perception because only what you perceive is real, rest is all made up in your head. You are living in a psychological reality, not in an existential reality.Philosophy Belief Reality Perception
The longing to become one finds expression in many ways, when you are young & your intelligence is hijacked by hormones physical sex is the way, when you are middle aged where your intelligence is hijacked by emotions then love is the way, when you transcend all these then you seek union at a much higher lever, then we say it is YogaLove Emotions
Today in the United States, Yoga means you must look like a leftover noodleFunny Short
Yoga predates religion; beyond religious divide, yoga is the science of well-being.Religion
Yoga means to be in perfect tune. Your body, mind and spirit and the existence are in absolute harmonyExistence
Success is not in a particular conclusion achieved but in the joyful and ceaseless striving for what you truly care forSuccess Joy Effort
Changing your attitude is pretense - you cannot keep it up forever. The yogic system is about fundamental transformation - that is what ultimately countsAttitude
The yogic system is about keeping a distance from the past. The fundamental understanding is you cannot fix the pastWisdom Past
In yoga we say, “If your one eye is on the goal, you have only one eye to find your way,” which is an inefficient wayGoal Success Wisdom
In yoga, we always describe the mind as a mirror. A mirror is useful to you only if it is clean and plainMind
Yoga is an absolutely scientific approach to the inner dimensions of a human being. Yoga is the science for the future.
Yoga is a technology where without external input, you create a chemistry of blissfulness within you
The word yoga means union. Yoga is not a religion. We looked at the Universe and saw unionReligion Spirituality
The yogic system is about enhancing your perception. The divine should not be an imagined hope - it should become a living reality for youHope Reality Spirituality
Having the sense to do what you can, standing aside in what you cannot do, and being alert and present, are the essence of yogaUnderstanding
Any teaching will not transform you as long as you are deeply attached to your body. Yoga is towards reducing this attachmentBody
There is every kind of Yoga. There is no activity in the world which human beings can perform which is not Yoga, if it is done in the right sense, it will become Yoga.
If 'inclusion' finds a physical expression then we call it sexuality, if it finds an emotional expression then we call it Love, if it gets a psychological expression then it gets labeled as ambition, conquest. If it finds a conscious experience then we call it YogaLove Emotions Experience Inclusiveness
Once you are rooted in the non-dual and play with the dual, the dual has no impact upon you. You can play with it and enjoy it whichever way you like, but it doesn't take a toll on you.Non-duality
Shiva is the destroyer, but he is also the very basis of creation. He is the most beautiful and he is the most ugly. He is the most wonderful and he is the most terrible. Shiva's personality has been created like this because, if you can accept this one man, you will accept the whole creation the way it is. It is a tool, it is a deviceWisdom Spirituality
If you make your mind listen to you and behave as you want it to behave, no matter what happens to you, no matter what the external situation may be, no matter what the physical condition may be, you shall of course keep your mind happy. You have to acquire this skillMind Self control
Yoga is not something one does; it is the medium of one becoming the crucible of self-transformation. It is not a practice, but a certain way to be.
Peace, Happiness, misery, anxiety, suffering, anger, and hatred have a certain chemical basis within you. There are simple methods with which one can create the right kind of chemistry within oneself. If you are willing to invest just a few minutes a day in your inner wellbeing, being peaceful & happy within yourself becomes natural.Anger Happiness Peace Suffering
when you are in yoga, you experience everything as a part of yourself, and that is liberation, that is mukti; that is the ultimate freedom.Experience Liberation
The yogic science is of utmost importance now, like never before, because today we have tremendous power in our hands. With modern science and technology
Using yoga just for health, is not wrong, but it is a crime, because if explored in its full depth and dimensions, it can take you to places which you have never imagined. It is a way of approaching the Creator through the Creation. It can be a ladder to the divine.Health
We need to change the definition of "Real Men." It's not by hiding our emotions but by gaining mastery over them that we are empowered to look Life in the eye. This is what Yoga is - a tool that teaches you to play and yet remain unscathed by the game of LifeChange Life Emotions Men
Yoga is, quite simply, the science of being in perfect alignment, in absolute harmony, in complete sync with the existenceScience Existence
Yoga is the path of spiritual action, the infallible means by which a concept is transmuted into realization. For those who embrace this "real religion," there is no waste of any holy effortReligion Action Spirituality Self realization
The goal of yoga science is to calm the mind, that without distortion it may hear the infallible counsel of the Inner VoiceGoal
Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thoughts, which otherwise impartially prevent all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nature of Spirit. Yoga cannot know a barrier of East/ West any more than does the light of sunThought Light Spirit
You want to know the union of the existence, you want to know the oneness of what it is, not believing in it. If you can experience everything around like your 5 fingers, then we say you are in YogaExperience Existence
Yoga essentially means developing an eye which is not contaminated by memory, which simply sees. It does not see things the way your memory perverts it. It simply sees everything the way it isMemory Intelligence
If you could simply sit here and be absolutely blissed out, you would not smoke, drink or pop anything, because there is more chemistry within the system than you can get from any of these.Spirituality
Yoga is the oldest of technologies for human wellbeing. Yoga is not a tradition of the past but a solution for the future, as approaching human well-being in a scientific manner is only possible now
Sadhana is towards creating a sense of inner fulfillment, where there is no need to lean on anyone or anythingFreedom Spirituality
A ball can change the world. It's not about the ball nor kicking nor the cup. It's sheer intensity of involvement. Knowing this in life is yoga.Change World
Yoga makes old people young in terms of energy & rejuvenation; and young people old in terms of thought & wisdomWitty Wisdom Thought People
The yogic symbolism of the ultimate is a flower because on the path of yoga, God is seen as an ultimate flowering.God
What you think as "myself" is just a psychological boundary that you have set up, yoga means consciously obliterating the boundaries of your individuality. If you experience everything around you as "myself" this is yogaExperience Liberation Consciousness Non-duality
Your problem is just this- you have an intelligence for which you don't have a stable enough platform and that's why yoga, to create a stable platform so that your intelligence works for youFreedom Problems Intelligence
The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means - not up, not out, but in. The only way out is inExperience
Asana means posture. A posture that allows you to reach your higher nature is yogasana
The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to establish a body that is less susceptible to outside influences - a stable platform to build onBody
If you use any kind of situation or action towards your liberation, then you are in yoga. Otherwise you are only entangling yourself in karmaLiberation
Perhaps one reason why yoga and meditation are hard to sustain is that they have no extrinsic value. Purely single-player gamesMeditation
We came from God and our ultimate destiny is to return to Him. The end and the means to the end is yoga, the timeless science of God-union.God
By concentration, you can condense each experience and garner whatever wisdom is to be learned from it.Wisdom Experience