God +
Consciousness quotes
God Quotes
God is consciousness. There is essentially nothing in the universe but mind or consciousness.God Short Mind Universe
The purpose of life is to be free from suffering and to attain infinite bliss consciousness - and that is GodGod Life
Meditation is the effort to realize and express that pure consciousness which is the reflection, or image, of God within youGod Meditation
Everything is the vibration of God's consciousness condensed into electromagnetic imagesGod
God is the Eternal Consciousness, unchanging and indivisible, in which the illusions of time (change) and space (division) present an infinite variety of forms interacting in a progressive mode of past, present, and futureGod Time
Once a person raises beyond certain limitations of his consciousness, every thought of his becomes the will of God itselfGod Thought Limitation
The essential proof of Self-realization—of God's consciousness in you—is to be truly and unconditionally happy. If you are receiving more and more joy in meditation, without cessation, you may know that God is making manifest His presence in you.God Happiness Self realization
Life is too precious to squander. God-consciousness has to be cultivated.God Life Short
What you refer to as God or the Creator is pure intelligence - intelligence beyond logicGod Short Intelligence
In the universe, everything is made of the singular consciousness of God. When a spark of that consciousness is individualized by God, it becomes a soulGod Soul Individuality
We must uplift our consciousness so that even the most worldly duties are performed with the thought of God.God Thought Spirituality
There is but one religion of God, one Truth underlying the different names of religion. That universal state of consciousness is very hard to attain unless one has Self-realization, the knowing that we are souls and that all souls are a part of the One GodGod Religion Truth Soul
That consciousness of God-peace is never-ending. It is the real state of happiness. Everything else will fail you. Nothing else can make you happy because only the joy of His presence is real.God Happiness Peace
Seek the unconditioned, indestructible pure Bliss within yourself, and you will have found the ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Joy — God.God Seeking Joy
Meditation is the method of realizing the connection between one's body-circumscribed life energy and the infinite Cosmic Energy of God, the connection between the conscious and subconscious states and the Cosmic Consciousness of GodGod Meditation
Become so conscious of God that you know he is the only Reality. The more you meditate, the more that thought will be paramount.God Reality
I am the ocean of consciousness. Sometimes I become the little wave of the body, but I am never just the wave without the Ocean of God.God Body
The upward cycle of evolving intelligence in potentially more efficient instruments of expression continues until it reaches the ultimate form in man. Only a human being has the ability to express his innate divinity and to consciously realize GodGod Intelligence
The little mind of the little man attached to little things cannot possibly identify itself with the universal consciousness of God.God Mind Man
Just as a river has a source, so the river of consciousness has a source. It descends from Cosmic Consciousness, the consciousness of God that is beyond all creation.God Creation
All manifestations and activities in creation are the lord's cosmic yoga. He is the Singularity that evolves as these multi-expressions and that unifies them in the one cosmic consciousness of his eternal beingGod
As God talked with Arjuna, so will He talk with you. As He lifted up the spirit and consciousness of Arjuna, so will He uplift you. As he granted Arjuna supreme spiritual vision, so will He confer enlightenment on youGod Spirit
Life +
Consciousness quotes
Life Quotes
There was a time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it.Life
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.Life Experience
Anything in life, if you are doing it compulsively it becomes ugly, if you are doing it consciously, it can be made beautiful, everything can be turned into an ugly mess if you do it compulsively.Life Action
Commandments means you're trying to fix your life, consciousness means you want to liberate your lifeLife Liberation
Once your life is a conscious process, being blissful is natural, moving towards liberation is inevitable.Life Liberation
If you are in a state of reaction, anyone or anything can take charge of your life. Conscious response is the way forward.Life Action Self control
Do not think of yourself as the body, but as the joyous consciousness and immortal life behind itLife Short Body
I am no longer the wave of consciousness thinking itself separated from the sea of cosmic consciousness. I am the ocean of Spirit that has become the wave of human life.Life Being human Thinking
Live in the consciousness of Spirit, in that oneness with God wherein you know that life is a dreamLife Spirit
When Cosmic Consciousness comes into the realm of matter—into each of the atoms that make up the planets and island universes, and the different forms of plant, animal, and human life — that Consciousness is called Christ Consciousness.Life
All consciousness Quotes ⇑
A spiritual person and a materialistic person are both seeking the same infinite. One is seeking it consciously, the other one unconsciously.Happiness Seeking Spirituality
If you are a conscious response to every situation that occurs around you, you would be out of rage.Anger Self control
We have the technology, resource & capability to address every issue on the planet. The only thing missing is inclusive consciousnessInclusiveness
Concentration is a state of complete one-pointedness and stillness of consciousnessShort
Whatever has its origin in desire is a disturbing element, for desires are like stones pelted into the calm lake of consciousness.Desire Mind
To be an emperor of the whole earth is not the highest goal man can aim for, because he has to leave it all at death; but to possess cosmic consciousness, oneness with GodDeath God Earth
When suffering comes it is more difficult to detach your consciousness from identification with the body; so be wise and make the effort now, while you have strength and healthWisdom Strength Health Suffering
Moods get their grip on your consciousness when you are in a negative or passive state of mind. The time when your mind is vacant is just the time it can become moody; and when you are moody, the devil comes and wields his influence on youEvil Mind
In meditation, try to go beyond thinking. As long as thoughts enter the mind, you are functioning on the conscious level.Mind Thought Meditation Thinking
What is meditation? Becoming one with the soul. It means banishing the consciousness of being related to the body and to human limitations and trying to remember that one is a soul.Soul Meditation Limitation
Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.Universe
If you make your process of desiring into a conscious process, then desire is no more a problem, desire is a wonderful vehicle that will take you placesDesire Problems Spirituality
We are producing enough food enough for 17 Billion people, but we are only 7 Billion people, but close to half the population is starved, not because resource is lacking, simply because consciousness is lacking, we are still thinking 'YOU vs ME', we are not thinking 'WE'Humanity Food
You have made yourself in such a way that you are a result of an unconscious process, you are not a result of a conscious process. When you are a result of an unconscious process, you are bound to be a miserable accident. Yes. It's time every human being takes responsibility to at least change this muchChange Being human Responsibility
If you're just conscious of your mortality you will naturally become spiritual. You will not become spiritual by thinking about God. You will become unrealistic, hallucinatory.Death God Spirituality
You don't take anybody's values, anybody's morals, anybody's ethics, just as a human being as you breathe, eat, live, just be conscious and act sensibly, you will be a wonderful human being.Freedom Wisdom Morality
A rat race is for rats. As a human being, you can consciously create what you want, without being driven by social compulsionsWisdom Being human Choice
When you are in a great hurry to do something, just hold back a few seconds, that's all it takes to shift from compulsiveness to consciousness
Renunciation essentially means you are working towards your freedom, from compulsiveness to consciousness.Freedom
If you are really conscious that time is ticking away, you will naturally long to become a yogi.Short Time
One simple thing that can transform a human being is emotion. Your emotion can drag you into the gutter or it can take you to the highest peak of consciousnessEmotions Spirituality
What is most needed right now is evolving human consciousness. Without that, science, technology, development, everything will go waste
All you have to do to overcome your trials is to resurrect your consciousness from the environment of spiritual ignoranceIgnorance Suffering
The man should realize the ethereal nature of his being—made of light and consciousness, divine and indestructible, projected on the screen of time and space by the creative Cosmic Beam of God
It is in the relativistic consciousness of persons under the influence of maya that Eternity appears separated into past, present, and futureTime
The greatest thing you can do to cultivate true wisdom is to practice the consciousness of the world as a dreamWisdom World
Joy, by its very nature - being the blissful consciousness of Spirit in man's soul - lives closest to the mind, and is born in it when the mind is inwardly tunedSoul Mind Joy Spirit
If you try to name Spirit, immediately you limit it. Spirit is not knowable by the limitation of understanding, but that does not mean that Spirit is entirely unknowable, because Spirit can be feltKnowing Spirit
A person who keeps the worry of a problem in his consciousness becomes moody. Avoid that. When a problem comes up, instead of dwelling on it, think of every possible avenue of action to rid yourself of itProblems Action
In deep, conscious involvement with everything around you, there is no entanglement; there is just joy.Joy
Compulsiveness is like darkness - you cannot fight with it. You have to turn on the light of consciousness.Darkness Light
Consciousness is the source of who we are. Our thoughts, intentions, and actions are a consequence of that.Thought
What you think as "myself" is just a psychological boundary that you have set up, yoga means consciously obliterating the boundaries of your individuality. If you experience everything around you as "myself" this is yogaExperience Yoga Liberation Non-duality
If you try to use fewer words to say what you need to say, you will become conscious of your speech, and in turn of your thoughts.Thought Spirituality
Trying to change social, national, or global realities without working on human consciousness means there is no serious intentionChange Reality Society
If you pay enough attention, everything in the existence has to yield to human consciousnessShort
The basic, pre-conditioned consciousness peeking out from behind everyone's eyes is exactly the same. The weaker your identity, the more clearly this shines through.
It takes a long time — many incarnations of right action, good company, help of the guru, self-awakening, wisdom, and meditation — for man to regain his soul consciousness of immortalitySoul Meditation
The seemingly solid body is itself a nonmaterial electromagnetic wave made up ultimately of underlying astral lifetrons, which in turn are made of Cosmic Consciousness
Whether floating in birth or disappearing in death, I am indestructible consciousness, protected in the bosom of Spirit's immortality.Spirit
it doesn't matter whether we scrub floors, or whether we are the leaders of great nations; unless we know that we are merely playing a part on the stage of time, we will suffer from the dualities inherent in the consciousness of being identified with these different stations and conditionsSuffering
When the purpose of meditation is fulfilled, the devotee finds his consciousness automatically concentrated at the spiritual eye, and he experiences, according to his inner spiritual capacity, a state of joyous divine union with Spirit.Meditation Spirituality
You are, and ever will be, a perfect reflection of Spirit. You were Spirit; now you imagine yourself to be mortal; but by meditation on your true Self, you can remember your forgotten Spirit-nature and remain in that consciousnessSpirit
So long as it dwells on the material plane, human consciousness cannot encompass the universal Christ Consciousness no matter how desirous it may be of doing so.
The spiritual purpose of family life is to expand one's consciousness through the cultivation of purifying divine love and friendship that is not conditioned by sex or any selfish motivationFamily Friendship Marriage Relationship
In the universal sense, love is the divine power of attraction in creation that harmonizes, unites, binds together. It is opposed by the force of repulsion, which is the outgoing cosmic energy that materializes creation from the cosmic consciousnessCreation
Be afraid of nothing. Hating none, giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone, and having but one desire —for His constant presence in the temple of your consciousness —that is the way to live in this world.Desire God
We are the sum total of the consciousness we ourselves have created over a period of incarnations.Short Soul
At physical death, man loses his consciousness of the flesh and becomes conscious of his astral body in the astral world. Thus physical death is astral birth.Death
When superconsciousness descends into the realm of imagination, it is called subconsciousness.Short
Man's consciousness, when constantly identified with material changes or mental disturbances, cannot mirror the immutable Divine, whose image is present within him as his true Self, or soul.Change Soul Mind Man
When you begin to feel the sensations of others as though they were happening in your own body, you are developing that Christ ConsciousnessBody
The man who has perceived God looks upon all types of men as dream motion-picture images, made of the relativities of the light of Cosmic Consciousness and the shadows of delusion.Dreams God
The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousnessPower Understanding
When a man begins by conscious mental effort to relate himself to the immortal soul, rather than to the body that he inhabits for one life only, he will recall more of his past experiences, and will eventually remember that he has come down from the bosom of GodNon-duality
In the ultimate sense, all things are made of pure consciousness; their finite appearance is the result of the relativity of consciousness
All good and evil dream-pictures are projected by the cosmic motion-picture beam. Yet these illusory dream-pictures, made manifest by God's light, do not reveal His essentiality. They cannot exist without the underlying beam of Cosmic ConsciousnessGod Evil Light
Man is important in one sense only. He was made in the image of God: That is his importance. He is not important for his body, ego, or personality. His constant affirmation of ego-consciousness is the source of all his problems.God Personality Body
Death is the means by which dream matter changes back into the consciousness of God, releasing the soul within it for the next step in its progressive return journey to GodChange Death God Soul
Hypnotism is a trespass into the territory of another's consciousness. Its temporary phenomena have nothing in common with the miracles performed by men of divine realization.Self realization
This mind, or consciousness, is the supreme force that governs all voluntary and involuntary activities of this bodily factory with its multifarious outputs.Mind Body